Sunday, December 9, 2007

Lauren Armistead

This is tough to write about. Lauren was a friend from Vanderbilt. An intelligent, driven, extremely caring and chill girlfriend of a very good friend, Chris Lloyd. I didn't stay in touch with her after Vandy, but I miss her anyway and feel much heartache over her family's loss.

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It makes me so sad to think about this, but I don't shy away from it. It should make me sad. It feels right being torn up when I see her smiling face. I guess I think it's honoring her and her family. I doubt there was ever a person that met Lauren and didn't like her. Thinking about her and they way she lived her life makes me want to smile more often. It makes me want to tell the people I love that I love them more often. It makes we want to be thankful for each day. It makes me want to be closer to my family.

This tragedy happened last year at this time. I'm writing about this now because Chris and Stephanie, one of Lauren's best friends, put a tribute video together and put it on youtube. Chris's email says the rest best:

In honor of Lauren’s birthday three days ago, I decided to put her slideshow on Youtube. The following is a four part compilation of photos put together by Stephanie Beatrous in tribute to the memory of everyone's friend Lauren Armistead. Steph really did a great job with this so a big shout out to her. The slideshow is in parts because Youtube has a 10 minute time limit and the total slideshow is about 30 minutes. Be sure to turn up the volume because the video has sound. I'm sure when you watch this you will notice Pete is nowhere in the slideshow. That's not a snub to Pete at all. When Steph flew up to Charleston to help Pete with Lauren's things, she asked if she could keep some pictures and he gave her every picture that wasn't of the two of them. Steph didn't know at the time she would make a slideshow so she didn't ask for any with that in mind. When she finally decided to make it, she just worked with what she had. I'm sure when you watch this, you'll see she had a lot to work with and did a fantastic job. The slideshow is great and I've watched it many times. As sad as I still am, I can't help but smile that I was lucky enough to know Lauren. She really was amazing.

Please forward this to anyone I left off the list or anyone that cared about Lauren. I’m sure they will appreciate the slideshow. Thanks again Steph!

The beginning of the slideshow has a picture and a quote that goes too fast for you to see it so I just thought I’d put the quote here before you begin the slideshow.

“The world is full of people who will go their whole lives and not actually live one day. She did not intend on being one of them.”

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:


elly armistead said...

Thank you for honoring my cousin, it is nice to know how much she is loved and missed.

-- Elly Armistead

JustininCostaRica said...

Hi my name is Justin I worked with Lauren at CAMC. I can attest to how great a person she was. I always looked forward to working with her! My heart goes out to her family and loved ones dealing with her loss.